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    The current position: Analytical Chemistry
Zhu Jia

Published Date: 2016-02-28

Zhu Jia

Zhu Jia 中文


R-513, Chemistry Hall Beijing Normal University 100875 Beijing P. R. CHINA
Tel. 010/5880.55.49
Email. zhu.jia@bnu.edu.cn


Jia, aka “Alexander” by his Belgian colleagues, obtained his Ph.D. at Universiteit Antwperen, Belgium in 2005. His researching works is focused on Multivariate Statistic Analysis (MSA) methods applying to spectra evaluation and elemental quantitative analysis. After his Ph.D. student life, he had been working at University of Mons (Belgium, 2006), Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster(Germany, 2007) as visitor. Then he moved to OHIO of US and started to working on Molecule Dynamics simulation for nano-material science at University of Dayton and Akron. He returned to CHINA and obtained the faculty position at Beijing Normal University in 2009.

Representative papers

  1. Mulitivariate Cablibration and Regression for Spectra Analysis and Pattern Recognition.
  2. Molecular Dynamics Simulation stuied on Ionic Transport Phenomena in the nano fluid or nano tunnel.

Copyright : College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University. Xinjiekouwaidajie 19, Beijing, 100875, China